Who We are

Hindu Help Centres is formed during 15th august, 2013. Hindu Help Centress supports 13 to 30 year-olds who are unemployed and those struggling at school and at risk of exclusion. Many of the young people helped by The Trust are in or leaving care, facing issues such as homelessness or mental health problems, or they have been in trouble with the law. The Trust’s programmes give vulnerable young people the practical and financial support needed to stabilise their lives, helping develop self-esteem and skills for work. Three in four young people supported by Hindu Help Centres move into work, education or training.


To improve economic conditions of poor hindus, apart from creating awarenes on the culture, heritage, inculcate moral and values for finding solution to retain ancient dharma, without prejudice and partiality within hindu communities.


Hindu Help Centers want to encourage vedhic, values teaching, help the fellow hindu brothers and sisters, impart self knowledge , national integrity, help, advice on various faculty of life, and needs on a day to day basis. allign all hindus from kashmir to kanyakumari to visit temples and heritage sites, renovate temples, social works and donating blood,body,organ & eye.